there's a string that tickles me softly occasionally - sometimes i forget it's there but then, i'll be walking around, sitting with a friend having a conversation, or ordering coffee, and just like a soft wind...that strings has tickled me again, reminding me that indeed-it is still there. it would only take a quick second to grab some scissors and SNIP! it'd be gone.
kinda of like the one person who have in your life that you know could be cut in an instant and you would eventually survive without them. it's not to say that we are ranting about someone in the current, just that there is usually a person that you choose to let tag along - forgetting the mess they create in your life until they tickle you again - and create an annoyance in which you say....i need to CUT that person out of my life, it would be so much easier!
yeah well, its not that easy right? you see, just like a loose thread - so is this person that you keep forgetting's not really affecting your wearing of the, lets say - pair of jeans, and its not something i generally think twice about after i remember it being there while slipping on my pair of jeans, rather, you'll be standing in line, ordering coffee and then "Tickle...tickle" there it is, an annoyance that you can't particularly deal with at the current moment but am reminded that you need to cut that string...
funny that when you finally cut that string, especially the one inside your sock, or the one that likes to cause annoyance by the armpit area, or the one that is in the middle of your inside jean crotch area - you feel a sudden gratitude toward yourself. The pants or whatever it may be feel different. a small annoyance finally gone - my friend and i have determined that letting these lOOse threads go, or cutting them off - is only beneficial to you, and will help your life run more smoothly, so then why do we wait so long to cut them? why the laziness? hmmm....i'm not sure but it was something to think about...briefly, that is until the next lOOse thread comes along, in fact, i saw one today, while ordering coffee, on my sleeve. damn it.